IST Consulting Group Leadership

Peer-to-peer leadership and teamwork are essential to the success of IST Consulting Group and other student organizations. A variety of leadership opportunities for students to find the position most appropriate to their experience and goals as a leader and emerging professional. 

Officer Positions

Joseph Gringeri

Joseph Gringeri


Bailey Rumford

Bailey Rumford

Vice President

Martha Reyes

Martha Reyes


Joe Closky

Joe Closky


Consulting Team Leads

Bryan Hernandez

Bryan Hernandez

Business Relations Team Lead

Christopher Zolet

Christopher Zolet

Cybersecurity Team Lead

Cole Keeney

Cole Keeney

Mobile Development Team Lead

Andrew Burger

Andrew Burger

Web Development Team Lead

Committee Chairpersons

Nittany Lion

Nittany Lion

Emerging Technology Chairperson

Evelyn Pham

Evelyn Pham

Public Relations Chairperson